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Safe Passage Saves Lives Save People Save Wildlife Park City Utah
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Voices of the community continue to ask leadership to support wildlife crossings on SR 224

Hundreds of voices from the community wrote to Mayor Worel and Park City Council last February, asking for safe passage for our wildlife across SR 224. Still awaiting a response from Council and the Mayor herself, people continue to give the wildlife a voice. This example is unsolicited by SPSW; the message is clear. Our community values its wildlife and is concerned about their safety as well as public safety on our roads. Safe passage saves lives, and the evidence based solutions in the form of wildlife crossings are shown to be 90% effective at reducing wildlife vehicle collisions where these systems are placed.

Wildlife crossings can be designed to be aesthetic extensions of the surrounding landscape, as pictured here.
Wildlife crossings can be designed to be aesthetic extensions of the surrounding landscape, as pictured here.

Large Wildlife Killed on S.R. 224 in 2025*










*These are known deaths compiled by SPSW volunteers on S.R. 224 from Kimball Jct. to Kearns Blvd (S.R. 248). According to experts, the number of obvious visible carcasses along the road should be multiplied by 8 as not all animals die in the location they are struck.

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