Caution Alert 🚨 | Daylight Savings & Wildlife Safety
Fixing Kimball Junction traffic now down to two options
UDOT has recently updated their crash severity costs
New Silhouettes Installed on SR 224!
Congress Announces the Bipartisan Wildlife Movement Through Partnerships Act
UDOT talks wildlife safety in Summit County after wildlife group raised concerns
Forget sharks and bears – it’s deer that you should worry about hurting you
Cascade critter crossings: How I-90 became safer for wildlife, drivers
UDOT denies SR224 wildlife crossing, sparking public outcry
Park City ready to welcome the world with a 2034 Olympics
Bridging the Gap: Park City’s Push for Wildlife Crossings on Highway 224
Wildlife overpasses saving Utah animals, drivers
Save People Save Wildlife urges creation of wildlife passageway on SR 224
Wildlife advocacy group pushes for Park City’s support ahead of policy retreat
Save People Save Wildlife urges Park City Council to support safe wildlife passages on HW 224
Utah DWR warns drivers to be aware of wildlife as daylight saving time ends
Park City wildlife advocacy group asks UDOT to take action after two moose die in a single day
Show your support of safe passage for wildlife along SR 224!
LivePCGivePC November 3rd