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Safe Passage Saves Lives Save People Save Wildlife Park City Utah
Save People Save Wildlife Logo by tingtang creative

Photo by Michael Flaherty


Save People Save Wildlife, with ever present community support, has engaged in extensive advocacy efforts over the years and has collaborated with several agencies to reach our goals.To date, we have raised nearly $300,000 from generous supporters to cost share (with UDOT) the wildlife fencing from Parleys Summit to just east of Swaner Preserve. 


UDOT continues to put in STIP* requests to finish the fencing along I80 to “close the gaps”, but they continue to be denied the funding as of our last in person meeting with Region 2.  Aware that the wildlife continue to lose their lives and motorists continue to be at risk, we contributed funds to help get the process moving forward, a little bit of fencing at a time. 


*UDOT's Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a six-year plan of highway and transit projects for the State of Utah


Closing Wildlife Fencing Gaps

Now that the wildlife overpass has been completed at Summit Park over I-80 in Park City, it’s time to close the remaining gaps. We need to replace the right of way fencing along this busy stretch of I 80 between Jeremy Ranch and Kimball Junction, and then Kimball Junction to Silver Creek Junction.

SR 224 Wildlife Mitigation Measures

SR 224 is the fifth most dangerous hotspot for wildlife vehicle collisions in Utah. Large animals are regularly killed on this stretch of Road in Park City, causing death, injury, and thousands of dollars in property damage. Mitigation measures such as crossings, wildlife fencing and VMS signs are investments that are needed to reduce wildlife- vehicle collisions.


The Wildlife Crossing at Parleys Summit


SR 224 Rapid Transit Bus Proposed Plan

We have been actively involved in the planning of the SR 224 Rapid Transit Bus Plan. Through our efforts, we are hoping to have a wildlife crossing and corresponding fencing for this dangerous roadway added to the plan.

Resolution 2021-10

We worked with the Summit County Council to ensure that that wildlife mitigation measures were included in the Resolution 2021-10. The resolution passed two to one in Novemeber of 2021, allowing Summit County Council the ability to secure a bond not to exceed $50,000,000 that will preserve our open space while including wildlife mitigation measures in future conservation easements and land acquisitions.

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Working With Policy Makers

We are working with stakeholders and legislative partners to bring awareness to the importance of wildlife mitigation measures and secures funding to implement these life saving projects.


Wildlife Silhouettes

The intent of the wildlife silhouettes is to increase driver awareness of wildlife in our area.


SR 224 is the fifth most dangerous hotspot for wildlife vehicle collisions in Utah. Large animals are regularly killed on this stretch of Road in Park City, causing death, injury, and thousands of dollars in property damage. Mitigation measures such as crossings, wildlife fencing and VMS signs are investments that are needed to reduce wildlife- vehicle collisions.

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Collecting Crash Data

We are working with Utahns across the state to help identify where wildlife vehicle collisions occur to assist state agencies in determining where wildlife mitigation measures are most needed

Large Wildlife Killed on S.R. 224 in 2025*










*These are known deaths compiled by SPSW volunteers on S.R. 224 from Kimball Jct. to Kearns Blvd (S.R. 248). According to experts, the number of obvious visible carcasses along the road should be multiplied by 8 as not all animals die in the location they are struck.

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